GOST 30245-03

JSC "Uraltekhmarket" offers Pipe rolling, appropriately GOST 30245-03.

  Профильная труба используются во многих отраслях промышленности.

  По характеру сечения выделяют прямоугольные и квадратные профильные трубы.

  Профильные стальные трубы с фигурным сечением (квадратные, прямоугольные) применяются при производстве металлоконструкций, строительстве, машиностроительной отрасли, производстве мебели и пр.

Square tube element a lightweight but rigid structure, widely used in the construction of residential houses, industrial facilities, farms, greenhouses.

Complies with GOST 30245-03 (217 kb)

A large assortment of profile pipes of square section is regulated by standards GOST 30245-2003 (previously used GOST 30245-94). In addition to products with equal faces, the state standard determines the size and assortment of rectangular pipes. What unites them is the way to get curved product obtained by welding.

Technical parameters of square cross-section pipes GOST determined and deviations from the existing standard is not permitted. Made in the handicraft way without the use of conventional technology, in mass construction is not allowed. Such products are not allowed to labelling and not considered a commodity.

Assortment of profiles with equal sides of the cross section of the standard defines the following dimensions: from 50 to 300 mm within each side dimension of the product is sorted by thickness of wall. The greater the cross-section is applied to the pipe, the greater the wall thickness used. The run products wall thickness varies from 2 to 14 mm.

In addition to the standard products on the market of construction materials can meet ad hoc GOST pipe. These products are manufactured according to TU (technical conditions), which endorses the fiducial state body. The abbreviation THAT in the marking indicates that the production deliberately deviation from standard sizes. As a rule, products THAT are produced on special order. For example, pipes with a length of over 12 metres, or the size of sides more than 300 mm, with irregular wall thickness, etc.

IMPORTANT! Controlling public authority in establishing THAT assesses the ability to perform non-standard products on existing plant equipment, the safety of pipe and technical strength tests.


The method of manufacture, the geometry of the profile and steel properties define further the scope of the square pipe. Due to a closed welded sheet metal creates unique strength of the product, able to withstand heavy loads. Technology and manufacturing quality, strength tests comply with the rules specified GOST 30245-2003.

The use of welded square tubes

Main use of steel square pipes:

Capital construction – load-bearing lightweight structures (farms, greenhouses, greenhouses, indoor summer gardens, warehouses, shops).
Reconstruction in construction – frame construction, entrances, elements of the roof and ceilings.
Furniture frame chairs, tables (furniture), racks, shelves.
Advertising design.

NOTE! The main advantage of the profile tubes is their relative ease in high stress and a small wall thickness. A closed metal loop creates a high resistance to bending, torsion.

In the production of square pipes appropriate GOST 30245, use the following steel:

carbon and low-alloy wall thickness from 3 mm (according to GOST 27772, GOST 16523, GOST 17066);
carbon General purpose with the wall of 4 mm (GOST 14637);
low-alloy with a wall of 4 mm (GOST 19281);
carbon steel 10, 15, 20 (GOST 1050).

The manufacturing process is as follows:

Of sheet metal cut into strips of steel.
Each workpiece is passed through the rolls, bending the profile at an angle of 90 degrees.
Connecting seam on one side, then heated with a manufacturing automatic cooking machine.
Weld treat on the subject of fusion, naplavlenie, sharp edges. As a rule, equipment settings exclude the appearance of a rough marriage, but in any case, the QC Department of the plant checks the quality of the profile.

Methods of production of steel profile:

hot rolled;
cold deformation.

The advantages of working with JSC "Uraltekhmarket"

  •  Tubes profile - vast assortment

  •  quality and reliability, availability of certificates and licenses for products

  •  long-standing relationships with manufacturers

  •  the presence of branch offices and own warehouses

  •  friendly service and individual approach

  •  the possibility of online ordering catalog


JSC "URALTEKHMARKET" is a team of qualified professionals.
The main objective of which is acquisition of enterprises products.
We work with companies in all sectors hozyayst.
Take on the role of OMTS.
Specilities in a more focused segment, we guarantee the optimum solution of tasks of any complexity.
This approach allows to minimize the cost of materials and logistics.



  •  +7(3439) 626-506, +79582305707

  •  Legal address

    620075, РОССИЯ г.Екатеринбург,
    дом 13, офис 2.

  •  Additional office

    623100, РОССИЯ Свердловская обл.,
    ул.Вайнера д.45В 3 этаж. офис 15.