Hot rolled pipes are widely used in the national economy.
Steel is one of the most durable materials used for installation of systems of heating, water, gas, etc.
Alloy additives in the steel, increase the strength characteristics of pipes.
Hot rolled tube used in various industries. Hot-rolled pipes are widely used for the construction of oil and gas pipelines construction and industrial use.. Material for their production is of alloy steel.
Hot-rolled pipes are the raw materials for the manufacture of cold pipes.
In the production of hot-rolled tubes used the installation of a pipe rolling on a short mandrel long mandrel in a three-roll stand, and one installation with a continuous mill with mandrel pipes.
The raw material fed to the smelters, in the form of round rods.
Hot rolled pipes are shipped to end users, and is also used for the manufacture of cold pipes.
Manufacturer of hot-rolled pipes on the unit with a continuous mill consists of a series of operations:
At rolling of tubes on a continuous mill has its own technological features of production. As the name implies, the process is continuous.
The camp consists of 9 stands of the same design, located at an angle of 45 degrees to the plane of the floor and 90 degrees relative to each other. In each stand has two rolls with rounded calibers.
The result is a rough pipe of the same size. On the calibration or reduction mill, they are brought to a certain size.
This standard applies to seamless hot-deformed steel pipes for General purposes, manufactured from the outside diameter, wall thickness and length.
I Outer diameter 32 - 54 mm, wall thickness 2.5 - 6 mm
II Outer diameter 57 - 194 mm, wall thickness of 3.5 - 7.5 mm
III Outer diameter 57 - 219 mm, wall thickness 8 - 14 mm
JSC "URALTEKHMARKET" is a team of qualified professionals.
The main objective of which is acquisition of enterprises products.
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This approach allows to minimize the cost of materials and logistics.