ГОСТ 9567-75

JSC "Uraltekhmarket" offers Pipe rolling, appropriately ГОСТ 9567-75.

Precision seamless pipe can be manufactured of cold drawn and hot rolled in the size range GOST 8732, GOST 8734 carbon and alloyed steel: 10, 20, 35, 45, 40KH, 30KHGSA etc. (by prior arrangement). For cold-deformed tubes used bridge & overhead lug or in conjunction with it rolling.

Thin-walled small diameter pipe in front of the sink rowing drawing rolled on a roller mill. Pipes GOST 9567-75 finished size is controlled by a non-destructive method of eddy current flaw detection. Precision tubes are used in instrument engineering, in the automotive industry (steering wheel, seats, bumper parts, propeller shafts, shock absorbers, cylinders, etc.)

Pipes GOST 9567-75 (high precision Tube) is a Assortment.
Diameter, mm Wall, mm Diameter, mm Wall, mm
6 0,5 - 2 83 2 - 19
7; 8 0,5 - 2,5 85 2 - 7; 8; 9; 10 - 12
9 3 89 2 - 8; 9 - 24
10; 11; 12 0,5 - 3,5 90 2 - 7; 8; 9; 10 - 12
13; 14; 15 0,5 - 4,5 95 2 - 8; 9; 10 - 24
16; 18; 19; 20 0,5 - 5 100 2,5 - 7; 8; 9; 10 - 12
21; 22 0,5 - 6 102 2,5 - 8; 9; 10 - 24
23; 24 0,5 - 4 104 11 - 30
25; 26; 27; 28 0,5 - 7 108 2,5 - 8; 9; 10 - 30
30 0.5 - 7; 8 110 2,5 - 7; 8; 9; 10 - 12
32; 34; 35; 36 0,8 - 7; 8 114 11 - 30
38; 40 0,8 - 7; 8; 9 120 2,5 - 7; 8; 9; 10 - 12
42; 45 1 - 7; 8; 9 121 12 - 30
48 1 - 7; 8; 9; 10 127 13 - 30
50; 51; 53; 54; 56 1 - 7; 8; 9; 10 - 12 130 2,5 - 7; 8; 9; 10 - 12
57; 60; 63 1 - 7; 8; 9; 10 - 12 133 13 - 32
63,5 3,5 - 7 140 3 - 7; 8; 9; 10 - 12; 14 - 36
65 1 - 7; 8; 9; 10 - 12 146 15 - 36
68 2 - 7; 8; 9; 10 - 12 150 3 - 7; 8; 9; 10 - 12
70 2 - 16 152 15 - 36
73 2 - 19 159 16 - 36
75 2 - 7; 8; 9; 10 - 12 160 3 - 7; 8; 9; 10 - 12
76 2 - 19 165; 168 17 - 45
80 2 - 7; 8; 9; 10 - 12 170; 180 4,5 - 7; 8; 9; 10 - 12
Pipes GOST 9567-75 precision pipe-high precision
A method of manufacturing pipes Limit deviations
The outer diameter Wall thickness
Size, mm Deviations Size, mm Deviations
to 30 inclusive ± 0,10 mm for pipe diameter 6 - 108mm
over 30 to 40 вкл. ± 0,15 mm to 0,8 inclusive ± 0,05 mm
over 40 to 50 вкл. ± 0,20 mm over 0,8 до 5 inclusive ± 7,5
over 50 to 60 inclusive ± 0,25 mm over 5 ± 6%
over 60 to 70 inclusive ± 0,30 mm for pipe diameter over 110 mm
over 70 to 80 inclusive ± 0,35 mm to 2,5 inclusive ± 10%
over 80 to 90 inclusive ± 0,40 mm over 2,5 to 5 inclusive + 10%, -7,5%
over 90 to 108 inclusive ± 0,45 mm over 5 ± 7,5%
over 108 to 120 inclusive ± 0,50 mm    
over 120 ± 0,8 %    
to 50 inclusive ± 0,35 мм to 15 inclusive. ± 10%
over 50 ± 0,8% over 15 ± 8%
D/S = 4 - 10
± 6%

The advantages of working with JSC "Uraltekhmarket"

  •  Pipe hot rolled - vast assortment

  •  quality and reliability, availability of certificates and licenses for products

  •  long-standing relationships with manufacturers

  •  the presence of branch offices and own warehouses

  •  friendly service and individual approach

  •  the possibility of online ordering catalog


JSC "URALTEKHMARKET" is a team of qualified professionals.
The main objective of which is acquisition of enterprises products.
We work with companies in all sectors hozyayst.
Take on the role of OMTS.
Specilities in a more focused segment, we guarantee the optimum solution of tasks of any complexity.
This approach allows to minimize the cost of materials and logistics.



  •  +7(3439) 626-506, +79582305707

  •  Legal address

    620075, РОССИЯ г.Екатеринбург,
    дом 13, офис 2.

  •  Additional office

    623100, РОССИЯ Свердловская обл.,
    ул.Вайнера д.45В 3 этаж. офис 15.