Production technology of prefabricated buildings is the modern trend that has gripped almost all areas of construction.
Its main advantages are fast delivery of objects in operation and their low cost in comparison with classical technologies.
The use of standard designs.
Institute Lenproektstalkonstruktsia developed a system of load-bearing structures of buildings of type "Molodechno". Typical building elements: coverage, columns, framing, connections, crane girders, beams hanging rails, ladders, platforms. Load-bearing structures interconnected with fencing.
The structures are designed for use in heated one-story industrial buildings erected in the I-VI snow and wind areas with step farms and 4m I-III and I-IV, respectively, at step 6m, the design temperature of -40°C and above, when the estimated seismicity up to 9 points.
Buildings can be single-span and multi-span, besfonarnymi and with skylights, no elevation changes and with difference, with spans of 18, 24 and 30m, at the height of buildings not more than 18m, step colon 12m according to the average ranks and 6m or 12m at least.
Buildings can be crane-independent climbing, with overhead cranes of groups of modes of operation of 6K, with lifting capacity up to 50t and with overhead cranes with lifting capacity up to 5T.
About 75% of the buildings type "Molodechno" are buildings with spans of 24m, with bridge cranes up to 20t with a height of 10.8 m and crane-independent climbing with the height of 8.4 m.
Metal coatings are designed for secondary framing solutions roof direct-bearing profiled sheeting on top of the belt trusses. In the project documentation provides for a single product mix of farms used in the step of farms 4 and 6m with step farms 4m flooring is used according to GOST 24045-94 H57-750-0,7-0,8 and N75-750-0,8-0,9.At step farm 6m – flooring GOST-24045-94Н114-750-0,8-1.
Flooring is fixed to the upper chords of roof trusses, transfers a vertical load from the roof trusses, unties the top of the belt from the plane and performs the role of horizontal connections coatings ensuring spatial stiffness of the building as a whole.
The use of two steps of the farms – 4 and 6m benefits 6m step in cases where it is economically justified.
The advantages of coating design with 6m step farms the following:
JSC "URALTEKHMARKET" is a team of qualified professionals.
The main objective of which is acquisition of enterprises products.
We work with companies in all sectors hozyayst.
Take on the role of OMTS.
Specilities in a more focused segment, we guarantee the optimum solution of tasks of any complexity.
This approach allows to minimize the cost of materials and logistics.